維基解密:美中關係展望-2(具影響力的經濟聯繫,2008.02.24) 維基解密:美中關係展望-2(具影響力的經濟聯繫,2008.02.24) 【Comment】中國努力賺美元,美國享受便宜中國貨與資金,兩者都吃上鴉片。 婚禮顧問 Viewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks(2008.02.24) ECONOMIC TIES THAT BIND 賣屋 ----------------------- 美國與中國共享利益:中國是美國除北美地區以外最大的貿易夥伴,無論公私機構的分析家都同意,中國與我們的 房屋出租貿易比例會持續增長。出口帶動中國的經濟成長。出口導向的聘僱,以及技術移轉和國外投資和貿易的額外利益,是中國經濟奇蹟的主要內容。相同的,美國過去20年間的低通膨與 酒店工作強勁成長部分源於低成本的進口中國貨和金融流入。美中雙方都應維持這互補的共同利益,並持續施壓校正目前失衡封閉的中國市場,特別是在服務業領域,同時顯著改進對智慧財產權的保護。摩擦也要好好 太平洋房屋管理,以免傷害我們的經濟利益。雲程譯,感謝feema大提供 其2. (C) The United States and China share enormous economic interests. China is the top U.S. trade partner outside of North America, and p 永慶房屋ublic and private sector analysts agree that China's share of our trade will continue to rise. Exports have been a primary driver of China's growth. Export-oriented employment, along with technology transfers and other 術後面膜 indirect benefits of foreign investment and trade, are major ingredients of China's economic miracle. Similarly, low inflation and strong growth in the United States over the last two decades stem in part from low-cost Chinese imports and financ 室內設計ial inflows. It is in the interests of both the United States and China to maintain the benefits created by our complementary economies while correcting current imbalances by continuing to pressure China to open markets, particularly in the service sector, and to signifi 辦公室出租cantly improve the protection of intellectual property rights. At the same time, frictions need to be managed carefully to avoid harming our common economic interests. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 住商房屋  .

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